A brief history of JavaScript!!!

A brief history of JavaScript!!!


2 min read

What is JavaScript?

so, JavaScript is a scripting or programming language that allows us to implement complex features on web pages.

Where HTML and CSS add structure and style to a website.


For Example, javaScript that you might use every day includes the search box on youtube or refreshing your Twitter feed. To recap JavaScript adds behavior to web pages.

How JavaScript was created!!!

Brendan Eich invented JavaScript in 1995.

Brendan was able to create JavaScript in 10 days.

And now we can't even imagine what the world would look like without JavaScript, it wasn't even always called JavaScript.

But In fact, when Brendan first created it, it was actually called a live script and then the people at Microsoft decided to try and reverse engineer the program and ended up with something called JScript.


So, there were all these slightly different versions of JavaScript that were being run on the web, it was starting to get quite confusing.

So, the Europeans did what Europeans do best and they decided to standardize the language and that's where you get the ECMAScript and which stands for the European Computer Manufacturers Association script!!!

Initially, It was developed for Netscape 2, and became the ECMA-2 6 2 standards in 1997, the only reason why this is interesting is that often you'll see different versions of JavaScript not referred to as JS5 or JS6, but as ES6 or ES7 and the ES comes of course from ECMAScript.

Thank You for reading this long article!!!!! ❤️


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